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Everquest In-Game Commands

Revised from the Paladin's Handbook.

Gameplay Commands

% Codes

%T - Returns the current target.
Example: /em sticks his tongue out at %T.

%S - Returns the subjective gender-specific pronoun for the target (He, She, It).
Example: /em laughs at %T. %S (He, She, It) sure is funny.

%O - Returns the objective gender-specific pronoun for the target (Him, Her, It).
Example: /em doesn't think that he wants to give clarity to %O (Him, Her, It)

%P - Returns the possessive gender-specific pronoun for the target (His, Her, Its).
Example: /em looks at %T's stuff. He wants %P (His, Her, Its) weapons.

%R - Returns the race of the target (only works on Player characters).
Example: /em thinks that %T is one scary looking %R (Erudite, Human, Troll etc.)

;tell <server name>.<player name>

Sends a cross server tell. Example: ;tell ayonae.Bob would send a tell to a character named Bob on Ayonae Ro. Note: servers with 2 names in them (Ayonae Ro for instance) use only the first name of the server.

/afk <text>

When activated, all private tells sent to the user will auto-respond with the following text, "You told <Players name>, 'Sorry, I am A.F.K. (Away from keyboard) right now.'". If you add some text after the /afk command it will appear as "AFK Message: <text>"

/alternateadv on/off/list

Turns on or off AA exp. Also, /alternateadv list lists all AAs available to you.

/alt activate ###

Activates the AA ability corresponding to the number entered. See here for current Shaman list, here for current Paladin list, or here for complete list from old Paladin site.

/anon or /a [ ON | OFF ]

Makes you Anonymous in /who and /who all, preventing other Players from seeing your class, level, and current location.

/assist (or /as)

This command makes you assist your target; you will acquire your target's target.

/assist [ ON | OFF ]

Toggles "auto attack on assist" on or off. This means that whenever you assist, you will not attack immediately - just acquire the target.

/assist [ NAME ]

This command makes you assist the PC or NPC of that name; same effect as /tar [ NAME ] and /assist. Not immediate; should use a pause to avoid 'select a target' feedback.

/assist [ GROUP | RAID ]

This command makes you assist the GROUP or RAID designated 'Main Assist' character.


Toggles on or off autofire until you run out of arrows, which means you don't need to hit range attack every time.

/autosplit (on or off)

Turns autosplit (whether money you loot all stays with you or gets split among the group immediately) on or off.

/bandolier activate <name>

Uses a bandolier setup (<name> is whatever you called your saved bandolier weaponset)


Opens up the barter browsing window to search for items that people want to buy in the Bazaar (Bazaar zone only).


Opens up the bazaar browsing window to search for items that are for sale in the Bazaar (Bazaar zone only).

/blockspell <function> <me or pet> <spell#> <spell#> <spell#>

Command to block spells within game. Only works on beneficial spells. Current valid functions are: display, add, remove, clear. Can block up to 20 spells max.

/book # (1 to 50)

Will take you to the corresponding page of your spell book.

/bug or /b

Takes you to a bug-reporting screen.


Puts you into Buyer mode in Bazaar, so you can buy items (Bazaar zone only)

/camp (server or desktop)

Causes Player to camp out of the game, to the character selection screen (default), server selection screen or your desktop.

/cast # (1 to 8)

Will cast the spell memorized in the corresponding slot.


Tells you where your character is currently bound.

/chatfontsize (0 to 5)

This command will allow Players to adjust the size of the font in the chat window.


Claims a reward from one of the store bought versions of the EQ expansions.


Clears the chat window of all text.

/combatmusic (on or off)

Turns the combat music on or off. Default is on

/consent <player name, guild, raid, group>

/consent gives <Player name> permission to drag your corpse. If you have multiple corpses, this needs to be done repeatedly. If you do guild, raid, or group, it consents all the players in guild, raid or group.

/consider or /con

Gives vital statistics about a target, such as faction and approx. level.


Will summon a character's corpse if it with in a 50' radius of the Player. Note: you must have been /consented by the person whose corpse you are dragging


Begins to auto drag (drag without stopping) the targetted corpse.


Stops the auto drag of a targetted corpse.


Allows the user to decline a duel.


Opens the new petition window.

/deny <player name>

Denies <player name> the ability to drag your corpse.


Causes a Player to disband from a group or decline a group invitation.


Lets you get off of a horse or lizard.

/doability #(1 to 10)

Will fire the specified ability. Abilities 1 - 6 are those that are set on the "Abilities" page, Numbers 7 - 10 represent those that are set on the "Combat Skills" page. See below for more information.

/duel or /d

Challenges targeted PC to a duel - to accept, they type /d with you targeted as well. Duel is in effect until one "dies" (is knocked unconscious) or flees the zone.


Turns dynamic lights on or off the next time you zone. Dynamic lights are the light sources carried around by PCs or NPCs. This requires a bit of video memory if turned on, and will cause video lag.

/emote or /em <text>

Emotes the <text>
Example: /em laughs will display <Player> laughs.

/exit (or /ex)

Same as /quit. Immediately logs your character out to the server screen, even if FD'ed or sitting.


Brings up the face customization screen. Luclin only command.

/fastdrop (on, off, never)

Enables or disables a confirmation box for dropping items onto the ground. "NEVER" does not allow you to drop Items at all.


Takes you to the feedback/comments screen

/filter <type>

Toggles the filter on or off. <type> can be any of the following: badword, guildsay, social, gsay (for group say), shout, auction, ooc, mymisses, othersmisses, otherhits, atkmissesme, pcspells, npcspells, bardsongs, dmgshield, critspells, critmelee


When this command is used while targeting another Player, the user will automatically follow the targeted character as long as you are grouped with them, until you turn to either side, or they run out of range. Note: autofollow will drag you over cliffs, through water or lava, and other dangerous places. Use care when driving!

/fontface <name>

Changes the font of the chat window to <name>. Most commonly used are Arial, Times New Roman, and Verdana (default).

/friend <player name>

Adds or removes a "friend" from your friends list. (Max of 100 friends). /friends with no text after it shows the entire friends list.


Lets you play the free mini game of Gems.


Used by guild members to view the guild Message of the Day.

/gsay or /g

Text is seen by all in your group.

/guidehelp <text>

Works like /petition.

/guildstatus <player>

Shows a person's current guild affiliation. Note: must be in same zone as person to use.


EQ's way of initiating a conversation with an NPC. The NPC may respond with text that gives a quest, or some sort of idle chatter. Also used as a way of greeting another PC in EQ.

/help <topic> (normal, emote, voice, chat or guild)

Will display emotes, guild commands, chat commands (some), voice commands (some) and normal commands separately.

/hidecorpses (none, all, or allbutgroup)

Hides or shows corpses based on parameter entered. Good way to increase performance in some zones.

/hotbutton <name> <color> <text>

Creates a hotbutton up to 60 characters long to do a certain action. For instance, typing /hotbutton Hello /say hello will make a hotbutton appear on your cursor that has /say hello in the first line. <name> is a required argument, as is <text>, but <color> is optional.

/ignore <player name>

Turns off all text from that Player. Max of 100 people on ignore list.


Inspects the targetted objects for traps (in a LDoN adventure zone only)

/invite <name>

Invites a player character to group with you. This now works even across zones.


Shows a list of keys that you have on your keyring. These keys are used to progress through locked doors in different areas of the game. You do not need your original key after it is showing up on this keyring.


Displays the current language.

/language #

Selects the chat language to use in general communication.

/language help

Displays a list of available languages and their corresponding number.


Toggles the Looking For Group window. /lfg on (or off) turns lfg on or off.

/loadskin <skin directory OR true>

Loads a new UI skin from wherever you store UI skins. /loadskin true reloads the current UI's .ini window settings.

/location or /loc

Displays the user's current coordinates.


Logs all text locally to the user's machine. The log.txt file that is generated can be found in the EverQuest directory.


Allows the player to loot a corpse from a short distance. The corpse must be targeted when performing this command.

/lootnodrop always/sometimes/never

Specifies whether you want a popup to come up every time you loot a no drop item, only when usable by your character, or never.

/makeleader <name>

Makes <name> the leader of your group.


Same as /emote.


Command for bards to chain songs together.

/memspellset <index or name of set>

Mems a saved spell set.

/microphone or /mic

Toggles the microphone on or off.

/mixahead (0 - 100)

Tells EQ how much of whatever music you're listening to to pre-mix ahead in the audio buffer. Default is 8, and the lower the number the better.


Brings up the serverwide motd, containing important information from the GMs.

/mousespeed (0, 1, 2, or 3)

Changes the speed of how fast your mouse moves across screen.


Moves your character to another server if you wish to do so.


Opens up the in game mp3 player window.

/note <text>

Allows you to write notes to yourself for future reference. Saved to notes.txt. in the EQ directory.


Opens a dynamic object, such as a chest or barrel in a LDoN adventure. Must have object targetted to use.

/outfile <type> <filename>

Creates a text file in your EQ directory listing whatever is specified in <type>. <type> can be: guild, raid, spellbook, inventory, guildbank. The file name is optional.


Command for EQplayers website, updates your account there with a current screenshot.


Inserts a pause in a social command. See below for more information.

/pet (command)

Gives orders to a charmed or summoned pet. See below for more detailed information.

/petition <msg>

Brings up the petition ticket window.


Gives you the birthdate and hours played in the current EQ session with your character.

/quit (or /q)

Immediately logs your character out to the server selection screen, even if sitting or FD'ed.

/random (# to #)

Generates a random number between # and #.

/reply <text> or /r <text>

If a "/tell" is received, the user may respond by using this command.

/report <name>

Logs the last 20 lines in the text area and the name you typed after /report, used for reporting abuse and bad behavior to the GM/Guides. Must scroll to the text that you want to /report.

/reversesound <normal or reverse>

Reverses the channels for speakers (also in the options window now).


Hides your level and class in /who commands, leaving your guild tag visible.


Used to get the owner of a pet on target when you can't target owner directly (probably some other things, that's the one use I know about :))

/safelock <password>

Locks the EQ interface so that no one can change anything in it. Typing /safelock and the same password that was used to lock the interface will unlock it once again.

/showgrass (on or off)

Turns on or off the grass in the world. Turning it off will cut down on lag, but not look as good...

/shownames (on or off)

Turns on or off visible names above PC's and NPC's heads. Red names are PvP, Blue names are not PvP.

/sit (on or off)

Will cause your character to sit.

/split ####

Splits a defined amount of money with your group: plat, gold, silver, copper respectively
Example: /split 4 3 2 0 - Splits 4 plat, 3 gold, 2 silver, and 0 copper with the rest of the group.
All numbers must be present. Use 0 for coins to not be split.


Makes you stand up and closes the spell book if you were memming a spell.


Immediately stops casting a spell.

/surname <last name>

Players over level 20 may use this command to assign a last name to their character. May only be used once per week.



/target or /t <name>

The command can be used to target other Players by name.
NOTE: This ability is subject to the range to the target.

/targetgroupbuff on/off

Allows you to target someone in another group and buff their whole group using a buff that can be cast on a group (brells or HB, for instance)


Gives you the time of day in Norrath as well as the duration of the current EQ session.

/toggleinspect (on or off)

Allows you to inspect what armor another person is wearing by right clicking on them.

/trackplayers (on, off, group)

The command will work for all Players with the tracking skill. It enables you to turn your Player tracking on and off.


Opens up the bazaar vendor window to set items for sale (Bazaar zone only)


Sends a tell to the player you have targeted. Also works when player's corpse is targeted.



/viewport <x> <y> <width> <height> <reset>

Changes resolution.


Claims your Veteran's Reward AAs, which are given for how many years you've played. Only claim ONCE per character


Opens the new petition ticket window.


Toggles the voice recognition system on or off, EverQuest requires a restart for this to be effective. Also see /microphone command.

/vrdelay <time in milliseconds>

Allows the user to set how long EverQuest will sleep in the main rendering loop in order to improve voice recognition response.

/vtell <name> <tell code>

Sends a voice tell to <name>


Lists all Player characters in your zone.

/who all

Lists all Player characters in the world.

/who all <min lvl> <max lvl>

Lists all players from <min lvl> to <max lvl> that are online.

/who all <class>

Lists all of <class> that are online.

/who all friends

Lists all your friends that are online currently.

/who all GM

Lists all GMs that are online.

/who all GUILD

Lists all Player characters in your guild, even if they have /roleplay command active.

/who all "guild name"

Lists all Player characters online that belong to "guildname".

/who all lfg

Lists all players that are lfg currently. /who all lfg <class> or /who all lfg <min lvl> <max lvl> can narrow this down.

/who corpse

Lists all the corpses a Player has in the current zone.


Launches a web browser window from the EQ command line.


Will issue a "cry for help" to all Players within a 100-foot radius.




<Player> agrees with <target>. <Player> agrees with everyone around him/her.


Amazed, <Player> gasps at <target>. <Player> is amazed!


<Player> apologizes to <target> whole heartedly. <Player> apologizes to everyone in the room.


<Player> applauds <target>'s performance. <Player> gives a round of applause.


<player> makes a rude gesture. <player> makes a rude gesture at <target>


<Player> bites <target> on the leg. <Player> looks around for someone to bite!


<Player> bleeds all over <target>. <Player> bleeds quietly.


<Player> blinks at <target> in disbelief. <Player> blinks in disbelief.


<Player> blushes at <target>. <Player>'s cheeks are burning.


<Player> boggles at <target>, shaking his/her head, looking confused. <Player> boggles, shaking his/her head, looking confused.


<Player> bonks <target> on the head. <Player> looks around for someone to bonk!


<Player> informs <target> that he/she is bored. <Player> informs everyone that he/she is bored.


<Players> bows to <target>.


<player> bounces excitedly.


<Player> let's <target> know that he/she will be right back. <Player> announces he/she will be right back.


<Player> burps loudly at <target>. <Player> burps loudly.


<Player> waves goodbye to <target>. <Player> waves goodbye to everyone!


<Player> cackles gleefully at <target>. <Player> cackles gleefully.


<Player> tries to calm down <Player> feels peaceful and calm.


<Player> cheers.


<player> chuckles. <player> chuckles at <target>.


<Player> claps for <target> happily - hurray! <Player> claps his/her hands together - hurray!


<Player> comforts him. <Player> needs to be comforted.


<Player> congratulates <target> on a job well done. <Player> congratulates those around him/her on a job well done.


<Player> coughs at <target>. <Player> coughs.


<Player> cringes away from <target>. <Player> cringes in terror!


<Player> cries.


<Player> looks at <target> curiously. <Player> looks around him/her curiously.


<Player> grabs hold of <target> and begins to dance. <Player> stands on his/her tip-toes and does a dance of joy!


<Player> drools all over <target>. <Player> drools - something must have him excited!


<Player> ducks behind <target>. <Player> ducks.


<Player> raises an eyebrow at <target>. <Player> raises an eyebrow inquiringly.


<Player> fidgets.


<Player> flexes at <target>. <Player> flexes his/her muscles proudly.


<player> makes a rude gesture. <player> makes a rude gesture at <target>


<player> frowns. <player> frowns at <target>.


<Player> gasps at <target> in astonishment. <Player> gasps in astonishment.


<player> makes a rude gesture. <player> makes a rude gesture at <target>


<Player> giggles at <target>. <Player> giggles.


<Player> glares icily at <target>. <Player> glares at nothing in particular.


<Player> grins evilly at <target>. <Player> grins evilly.


<Player> groans at the sight of <target>. <Player> groans loudly.


<Player> grovels in the dirt before <target>. <Player> grovels in the dirt.


Same as hitting the H key.


<Player> is happy with <target>. <Player> is sooo happy.


<player> hugs yourself. <player> hugs <target>


<Player> let's <target> know that he/she needs food, badly. <Player> needs food, badly.


<Player> introduces <target> to you. Welcome! <Player> introduces himself/herself. Hi there!


<Player> let's <target> know that he/she was JUST KIDDING! <Player> was JUST KIDDING!


<player> kisses <target>.


<Player> kneels before <target> in humility and reverence. <Player> feels righteous, and maybe a little foolish.


<player> laughs. <player> laughs at <target>.


<Player> let's <target> know that he/she is lost! <Player> lets everyone know he/she is lost!


<Player> gently massages <target>'s shoulders. <Player> looks around for someone to massage.


<Player> moans at <target>. <Player> starts to moan.


<Player> holds his/her head down and mourns the loss of <target>. <Player> holds his/her head down and mourns the loss of the dead.


<Player> nods.


<Player> nudges <target>.


<Player> screams in panic.


<Player> pats <target> on the back. <Player> pats himself/herself on the back.


<Player> peers at <target>, looking him/her up and down. <Player> peers around intently.


<Player> pleads with <target> desperately. <Player> pleads with everyone around him/her.


<Player> points at <target>. Yeah, you! <Player> points <direction based on sense heading>.


<player> pokes <target>.


<Player> ponders <target> - what's going on with <target>? <Player> ponders over matters as they appear at this moment.


<player> purrs at <target> <Player> purrs contentedly.


<Player> looks at <target>, unsure of what he/she meant. <Player> looks puzzled.


<Player> looks at <target>, raising his/her hand. <Player> raises his/her hand.


<Player> asks <target> if he/she is ready. <Player> lets everyone know he/she is ready!.


A low rumble emits from deep within <Player>'s as he roars at <target>. A low rumble emits from deep within <Player> and he roars like a lion!


<Player> roll on the floor laughing.


<player> makes a rude gesture. <player> makes a rude gesture at <target>


<Player> snaps to attention, saluting <target> briskly. <Player> salutes the gods in admiration of the amazing world around him/her!


<Player> shivers at the thought of messing with <target>. Brrrrrrrrr. <Player> shivers.


<Player> shrugs at <target>. <Player> shrugs unknowingly.


<Player> sighs at <target>. <Player> sighs, clearly disappointed.


<player> smacks <target>. <Player> smacks him/herself on the forehead.


<player> smiles; You beam a smile at <target>.


<Player> smirks mischievously at <target>. <Player> smirks mischievously.


<Player> snarls meanly at <target>. <Player> grizzle's his/her teeth and looks mean.


<Player> snickers softly at <target>. <Player> snickers softly.


<Player> stares dreamily at <target>, completely lost in his/her eyes. <Player> stares at the sky.


<Player> taps his/her feet as he looks at <target> impatiently. <Player> taps his feet, impatiently.


<Player> teases <target> mercilessly. <Player> looks around, trying to find someone to tease.


<Player> thanks <target> heartily. <Player> thanks everyone!


<Player> let's <target> know that he/she needs drink, badly. <Player> needs drink, badly!


<Player> veto's <target>'s idea! <Player> veto's that idea.


<Player> waves at <target>.


Welcome <target>! <Player> is glad you could make it! <Player> is here!


<Player> whines pitifully at <target>. <Player> whines pitifully.


<Player> whistles at <target> appreciatively. Whistling, <Player> shows his appreciation.


<Player> yawns rudely in <target>'s face. <Player> opens his/her mouth wide and yawns.

Window Management
Each window in full screen mode can be enabled or disabled for viewing by engaging the customizable hot-key combination for that feature and window. The defaults are:



Alt + B

Buff/Spell Effects window

Alt + C

Combat Abilities window

Alt + D

Compass window

Alt + E

Bard song box

Alt + F

Friends window

Alt + G

Guild management tool

Alt + H

Hotbox window

Alt + J

Journal window

Alt + K

mp3 player window

Alt + L

Lock down window position

Alt + M

Menu window

Alt + N

Storyline window

Alt + O

Options window

Alt + P

Party (Group) window

Alt + Q

Task window (OoW, DoN & DoD missions)

Alt + R

Raid window

Alt + S

Spell Gem window

Alt + T

Target window

Alt + U

Tribute window (GoD only)

Alt + V

Adventure window (LDoN only)

Alt + Y

Self status window

Alt + Z

GoD expedition window

Alt + 1-9

Casts appropriate spell from spell gem

Alt + Enter

Puts EQ into windowed mode.

CTRL + Alt + R

Releases mouse control in windowed mode so you can minimize window to do other things on computer.


Spell book window


Disbands targeted player from a group


Does a find in zone


Invites targeted player to group


Opens in game mail window


Toggles run/walk


Toggles sit/stand


Does a /who


Voice macro window


Camps (only if sitting)

CTRL + 1-8

Performs appropriate combat ability in Combat Ability window

Shift + P

Potion belt

Shift + T

Title window

Shift + 1-10

Goes to different pages of hotbuttons


Map window

Num Lock

Toggles auto run on/off

Page Up

Pans camera up

Page Down

Pans camera down



F1 through F6

Targets different people in your group (hitting the same key twice targets the person, then the person's pet)


Targets closest PC to you


Targets closest NPC to you


Toggles between different camera views


Toggles UI display


Toggles network status display on/off


Toggles mouselook on/off


Auto-attack (highly recommend remapping)


Bandolier (DoN only)


Considers your target (useful for finding out faction)




Inventory window


Leadership (Group & Raid) window


Map window


Petition window


Reply to last tell


Shortcut for sending tells (need to type name and message after)


Uses object in the center of your screen (like open a door)


Alternate Ability window

Channel Commands

There are several chat channels used in EQ.

/auction <text> - Allows users to send auction messages to buy, sell or trade items throughout the current zone.
/guildsay or /gu - Sends a text message to fellow guild members currently on-line.
/ooc - Allows you to say something as yourself, not as your character, if you are roleplaying. Also heard throughout the zone.
/rsay - Sends text to your raid, and is only seen by them no matter what zone they're in.
/say - Sends text to all people in your immediate area.
/shout - Text is seen across entire zone.
/tell <name> - Sends a private message to someone.

Player Made Chat Channels

The command /join <channel name> allow you to join a player created chat channel. You can be in up to 10 of these at once. These channels can be seen across all servers (for instance, serverwide.paladins), on the server you play on (for instance, a bazaar channel for auctioning gear), or be password protected (and moderated) to protect sensitive information (such as an officer meeting for a guild).

To talk in each channel, you need to find out what channel number the channel you wish to say something in is. To do this, type /list. That will bring up a list of channel names along with the number of people in each channel. Then, type in /# <text> (where # is the number of the channel you want to talk in).

To join a password protected channel, you first need to find out not only the name of the channel, but the password. Once you have both pieces of information, type in /join <channel name>:<password>. To join a chat channel on another server, put the name of the server in front of the channel's name (ex.: /join ayonae.bazaar).

Player made chat channels are not permanent, meaning that once the last person leaves, the channel is gone, with one exception. Password protected channels last for 24 hours after everyone leaves.

General chat commands
(Note: /chat and / can be replaced with a ;, for example: /chat set can become ;set)

/# (where # is from 1 to 10) - Sends text to a particular chat channel.
/announce - Announces when a player leaves a chat channel.
/autojoin <channel1>, <channel2> ... <channel10> - Automatically joins the specified channels when you log in. Can be in up to 10 chats at once.
/chat grant <player> <channel> - Grants op (operator) status to a person on a channel. Operator status allows the person to kick someone out of the channel and moderate the channel, among other things.
/chat set <channel1>, <channel2>...<channel10> - Lets you join multiple chat channels at once.
/join <channel name>:<channel password> - Joins a chat channel.
/leave <channel #> - Leaves a particular chat channel.
/leaveall - Leaves all chat channels.
/list - Lists all chat channels you are on.
/list # (1-10) - Shows the names of whoever is on the same channel you are.
;oplist <channel> - Shows the current op list and owner of a channel.

Moderator only commands: (Note: /chat and / can be replaced with a ;, for example: /chat invite can become ;invite)

/chat invite <player> <channel> - Invites someone to a chat channel.
/chat grant <player> <channel> - Grants someone moderator status (non permanent) on a channel.
/chat password <password> <channel> - Sets a password for a particular channel.
/chat kick <player> <channel> - Kicks someone out of chat channel.
/chat moderate - Moderates a chat channel so only permitted people can speak.
/chat voice <player> <channel> - Allows someone to speak on a moderated channel

Channel owner only commands

;opadd <player> <channel> - Sets a person as a permanent moderator on a channel
;setowner <player> <channel> - Sets a new owner of a channel.

Guild Leader/Officer Commands

Guild Leaders only

/guilddelete - Disband their guild.
/guildinvite o <name> - Invites a person to a guild with the officer flag enabled.
/guildleader - Transfers guild leadership status to a new person.
/guildpeace - Allows the guild leader to decline the challenge of a guild war.
/guildwar - Allows the guild leader to challenge or accept another guild in guild war.

Guild Leaders & Officer

/guildinvite <name> - Invites a new guild member to the guild.
/guildmotd <text> - Sets the guild Message of the Day.
/guildremove - Removes guild members from guild.

Raid Commands

/addraidlooter <name> - Adds <name> to raid loot list. Note: only useable when setloottype is set to 3
/makeraidleader <name> - Makes <name> the leader of the raid.
/raidaccept - Joins a raid as a raid group leader
/raiddecline - Declines an invite to a raid
/raidremove <name> - Removes <name> from raid
/raidinvite <name> - Invites <name> into a raid as a raid group leader (now works across zones)
/rsay (/raidsay) - Text is seen by all members in your raid.
/raidwindow - Opens the raid window
/removeraidlooter <name> - Removes <name> from raid loot list.
/setloottype (1, 2, 3, 4) - Sets the type of raid loot for a raid (1 - raid leader only, 2 - raid leader and group leaders, 3 - raid leader & selected people, 4 - entire raid)

Dynamic Zone Commands
With the Gates of Discord and future expansions, instanced zone functionality increased. This means that you can add, remove, and change players in an expedition, unlike LDoN, where you couldn't change your group without exiting out of the expedition. The following are the commands associated with this:

Expedition leader Commands (GoD/OoW)

/dzaddplayer <name> - Adds the selected player to your expedition (useable across any zone).
/dzremoveplayer <name> - Removes the selected player from your expedition (useable across any zone).
/dzswapplayer <player name to remove> <player name to add> - Swaps 1 person for another person, thereby kicking the removed person out of the zone and allowing the other player to zone in. The player to be added must approve this.
/dzmakeleader <name> - Makes the selected player the new expedition leader.

General expedition Commands (GoD/OoW)

/dzplayerlist - Lists all the players in the expedition currently.
/dzlisttimers - Lists any outstanding lockout (replay) timers for expeditions.
/dzquit - Leaves the current expedition.

Dynamic Zone Commands (DoN/Quest Windows)

/taskadd <name> - Adds <name> to current mission.
/taskremove <name> - Removes <name> from current mission
/tasktimer - Shows the time remaining on any timers you have (from monster missions)

Leadership AA commands
With the Gates of Discord, there came the ability for group and raid leaders to put a percentage of their experience earned towards Leadership AA. The following is a list of chat commands associated with these skills.

/gmarknpc (1, 2, or 3) - Uses the Group Mark NPC ability to mark 1, 2 or 3 NPCs, depending on how many levels the group leader has.
/rmarknpc (1, 2, or 3) - Uses the Raid Mark NPC ability to mark 1, 2 or 3 NPCs, depending on how many levels the raid leader has.
/findpc <name> - Uses the Find Path to PC leader AA to create a mystical path between you and the <name> in group or raid you are trying to find. Must have person targeted in order to have this work.
/inspectbuffs <name> - Uses the Inspect Buffs ability to tell you what buffs <name> in group or raid has.

Pet Commands

/pet sit down - tells pet to sit down.
/pet stand up - tells pet to stand up.
/pet get lost - kills pet.
/pet who leader - pet says who is their master.
/pet guard here - tells the pet to guard its current location.
/pet guard me - tells the pet to attack anyone that attacks it's master, or that it's master attacks.
/pet follow me - tells the pet to follow you, but ends when you cross a zone line.
/pet attack - tells the pet to attack the current targeted mob.
/pet kill <target> - tells the pet to kill the designated <target>.
/pet back off - tells the pet to stop its attack and return to its "/pet guard here" point.
/pet as you were - returns the pet to neutral, belaying all prior orders.
/pet report health - displays the pets health as a percentage.
/pet taunt (On or Off) - tells the pet to stop taunting its attacker.
/pet feign - Causes the pet to feign death (AA skill only)
/pet hold - Makes your pet hold off attacking until explicitly told to attack. (AA skill only)
/pet no cast - Makes the pet not cast spells. (AA skill only)
/pet focus - Another way to control your pet, making it only attack when you want it to, ignoring its hate list. (AA skill only)

Text Colors
The [ TextColors ] section of eqclient.ini contains entries for various text colors in the client. All colors are to be set with Red, Green, and Blue values, in decimal. Valid settings for each color range between 0 and 255. Here is a list of user colors to use as a guide when editing the file:

1 Say
2 - Tell
3 Group
4 - Guild
5 - OOC
6 - Auction
7 - Shout
8 - Emote
9 - Spells (memming, scribing, casting)
10 - You hit other
11 - Other hits you
12 - You miss other
13 - Other misses you
14 - Some broadcasts (duels)
15 - Skills (ups, non-combat use, etc.)
16 - Disciplines or special abilities
17 - Unused at this time
18 - Default text and stuff you type
19 - Unused at this time
20 - Merchant Offer Price
21 - Merchant Buy/Sell
22 - Your death message
23 - Others death message
24 - Other damage other
25 - Other miss other
26 - /who command
27 - yell for help
28 - Hit for non-melee
29 - Spell worn off
30 - Money splits
31 - Loot message
32 - Dice Roll (/random)
33 - Others spells
34 - Spell Failures

Pauses in Social Batches
You may now enter pauses in social batches with the /pause command. /pause takes an argument from 1 to 600, with the value being equal to the number of tenths of seconds (i.e. /pause 100 will yield a 10 second pause).

For example, a social consisting of:

/sit off
/cast 1
/pause 100
/sit on

...would cause you to stand up, cast the spell in slot 1, wait 10 seconds after you've STARTED casting the spell, and sit down.

Furthermore, you can also use the /pause command on the same line as another social by separating the commands with a comma. Even though the pause command is specified first, it is executed AFTER the command on the same line.

For example:

/sit off, /pause 100,/cast 1 /sit on

...would have the same effect as the example above. It is important to note that the comma can only be used to separate a /pause command from another, and MUST be specified first on the line.