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Spell Modifiers and Focus Effects
Aspects: There are five aspects to spells which can be affected by the means below:
1. Mana Cost;
2. Casting Time;
3. Range;
4. Duration (for spells with duration); and
5. Impact (for spells with modifiable impact).Any or all of these aspects can be affected on a single cast of a spell.
Means: There are three different means through wich we can affect the above aspects of spells:
A. Alternate Advancement abilities (AAs);
B. Buffs; and
C. Focus Effects (worn and tributed). The Level 75 or Level 70 Focus Effects Charts may be useful to you.The single best modifier from each of these means will stack - up to a cap, if a cap exists.
While this includes all the Shaman AAs, I'll be happy to include those of other classes if the information is submitted.
Please note:
None of these means will affect a Complete or Percentage Heal spell in any way, except for the possibility of a crit affecting the impact. All information will be for level 70 spells, unless otherwise noted... and I'm only listing the most useful of the sub-70 effects, those which are for both benefician and detrimental spells.
Subsequent tiers of buff extention and haste AAs should be added to the previous tiers. For example, if Tier 1 is listed as 10% and Tier 2 is listed as 15%, then the total effect of buying Tier 2 will be 25%; this varies from the in-game description, which only mentions the total, cumulative benefit.
With the exception of beneficial duration extension, all focus effects are actually a range from 1 to the listed value.
1A - AAs and Mana Cost
The following AAs are available to reduce the mana cost of spells:
Spell Casting Mastery (Priests, Casters) - affects all spells. Prerequisite: 6 AAs spent in General
Spell Casting Mastery 1, 2 AAs, 2.5% reduction; 1.25%/AA this rank, 1.25%/AA overall.
Spell Casting Mastery 2, (2+) 4 AAs, (2.5+) 2.5% reduction; 0.63%/AA this rank, 0.83%/AA overall.
Spell Casting Mastery 3, (6+) 6 AAs, (5+) 5% reduction; 0.83%/AA this rank, 0.83%/AA overall.Gift of Mana (Priests, Casters) - affects all spells; chance to fire after casting some level 65+ spells, costing zero mana for the next spell cast during a three tick window of opportunity. Prerequisite: SCM3.
Gift of Mana 1, 3 AAs, 3% chance to fire; 1%/AA this rank, 1%/AA overall.
Gift of Mana 2, (3+) 6 AAs, (3+) 3% chance to fire; 0.5%/AA this rank, 0.67%/AA overall.
Gift of Mana 3, (9+) 9 AAs, (6+) 4% chance to fire; 0.44%/AA this rank, 0.56%/AA overall.
1B - Buffs and Mana Cost
The following Buffs are available to reduce the mana cost of spells:
Tonic of Benefit Affinity - This potion's buff effect reduces mana cost of beneficial spells by 5%.
Tonic of Contagion Affinity - This potion's buff effect reduces mana cost of disease-based detrimental spells by 5%.
Tonic of Gelid Affinity - This potion's buff effect reduces mana cost of cold-based detrimental spells by 5%.
1C - Focus Effects and Mana Cost
Many Focus Effects are available to reduce the mana cost of spells; The Level 75 or Level 70 Focus Effects Charts may be useful to you.
2A - AAs and Casting Time
Please note that spells with base cast times of less than 3 seconds will not be affected; also, 50% is the cap for spell haste.
The following AAs are available to reduce the casting time of spells:
Quick Buff (Enchanter, Shaman) - affects only buffs (beneficial effects with duration (not cures or instant heals)). Prerequisite: 6 AAs spent in General
Quick Buff 1, 3 AAs, 10% reduction; 3.33%/AA this rank, 3.33%/AA overall.
Quick Buff 2, (3+) 6 AAs, (10+) 15% reduction; 2.5%/AA this rank, 2.78%/AA overall.
Quick Buff 3, (9+) 9 AAs, (25+) 25% reduction; 2.78%/AA this rank, 2.78%/AA overall.Quick Damage (Druid, Magician, Wizard) - affects only DD spells. Prerequisite: 6 AAs spent in General
Quick Evac 1, 2 AAs, 2% reduction; 1%/AA this rank, 1%/AA overall.
Quick Evac 2, (2+) 4 AAs, (2+) 3% reduction; 0.75%/AA this rank, 0.83%/AA overall.
Quick Evac 3, (6+) 6 AAs, (5+) 5% reduction; 0.83%/AA this rank, 0.83%/AA overall.Quick Evac (Druid, Wizard) - affects only Evacuation spells. Prerequisite: 6 AAs spent in General
Quick Damage 1, 2 AAs, 10% reduction; 5%/AA this rank, 5%/AA overall.
Quick Damage 2, (2+) 4 AAs, (10+) 15% reduction; 3.75%/AA this rank, 4.17%/AA overall.
Quick Damage 3, (6+) 6 AAs, (25+) 25% reduction; 4.17%/AA this rank, 4.17%/AA overall.Quick Summoning (Magician) - affects only conjuration spells. Prerequisite: 6 AAs spent in General
Quick Summoning 1, 2 AAs, 10% reduction; 5%/AA this rank, 5%/AA overall.
Quick Summoning 2, (2+) 4 AAs, (10+) 15% reduction; 3.75%/AA this rank, 4.17%/AA overall.
Quick Summoning 3, (6+) 6 AAs, (25+) 25% reduction; 4.17%/AA this rank, 4.17%/AA overall.
2B - Buffs and Casting Time
The following Buffs are available to affect the casting time of spells:
Aura/Blessing of Piety/Faith/Reverence/Devotion (or Purpose) - 10% (or 9%) reduction. Cleric single/group buff.
Hastened Thoughts - clicky buff from Lizardscale Woven Sash.
2C - Focus Effects and Casting Time
Many Focus Effects are available to affect the casting time of spells; The Level 75 or Level 70 Focus Effects Charts may be useful to you.
3A - AAs and Range
The following AAs are available to increase the range of spells:
Are there any?
3B - Buffs and Range
The following Buffs are available to increase the range of spells:
Tonic of Distance Affinity - This potion's buff effect gives an additional 5% range to beneficial and detrimental spells.
3C - Focus Effects and Range
Many Focus Effects are available to increase the range of spells; The Level 75 or Level 70 Focus Effects Charts may be useful to you.
4A - AAs and Duration
The following AAs are available to increase the duration of spells:
Spell Casting Reinforcement (Priests, Casters) - affects only buffs (beneficial effects with duration (not cures or instant heals)). Prerequisite: 6 AAs spent in General
Spell Casting Reinforcement 1, 2 AAs, 5% increase; 2.5%/AA this rank, 2.5%/AA overall.
Spell Casting Reinforcement 2, (2+) 4 AAs, (5+) 10% increase; 2.5%/AA this rank, 2.5%/AA overall.
Spell Casting Reinforcement 3, (6+) 6 AAs, (15+) 15% increase; 2.5%/AA this rank, 2.5%/AA overall.Spell Casting Reinforcement Mastery (Priests only), (12+) 8 AAs, (30+) 20% increase; 2.5%/AA this rank; 2.5%/AA overall.
4B - Buffs and Duration
The following Buffs are available to increase the duration of spells:
Tonic of Regeneration Affinity - This potion's buff effect gives an additional 5% duration to buffs (beneficial duration spells), including HoTs.
Tonic of Efficiency Affinity - This potion's buff effect gives an additional 5% duration to debuffs (detrimental duration spells), including DoTs, but excluding charm spells.
4C - Focus Effects and Duration
Many Focus Effects are available to increase the duration of spells; here are some of the most popular:
Impact can be increased through several means, so it becomes more important to pay attention. AAs, Buffs and Focus Effects can 1) Increase the default impact; 2) Increase the chance to have a critical impact; and/or 3) Increase the return of a critical impact.Note that most healing impact improvement AAs and Focus Effects only work on direct heals, not heals over time.
Additionally, damage impact improvement AAs and Focus Effects can work on all DoTs, all DDs, or sometimes on both DoTs and DDs, but only with the same resist check (ex: Poison DD/DoTs, but no others).5A - AAs and Impact
The following AAs are available to increase the impact of spells:
Beneficial Only:
Direct Heals Only:
The Healing Adept Lines (Priests) - affects direct heal spells by increasing the base amount healed. Prerequisite: 6 AAs spent in General. Please see Table 2. Direct Healing - DH Impact Improvement AAs on the Shaman AAs Demystified! page for more info.
The Healing Gift and Healing Surge Lines (Priests) - affects direct heal spells by increasing the chance for a critical impact. Prerequisite: 6 AAs spent in General. Please see Table 3. Direct Healing - Critical DH AAs on the Shaman AAs Demystified! page for more info.
Healing over Time Only:
The Healing Boon and Healing Resonance Lines (Priests) - affects heal over time spells by increasing the chance for a critical impact, calculated per tick. Prerequisite: Level 66. Please see Table 4. Healing over Time - Critical HoT AAs on the Shaman AAs Demystified! page for more info.
Detrimental Only:
Direct Damage Only:
The Fury of Magic and Volatile Mana Lines - affects direct damage spells by increasing the chance for a critical impact. Prerequisite: 6 AAs spent in General. Please see Table 5a. Direct Damaging - Critical DD AAs on the Shaman AAs Demystified! page for more info.
The Destructive Fury and Mana Fury Lines - affects direct damage spells by increasing the value of a critical impact. Prerequisite: Fury of Magic Mastery 3. Please see Table 5b. Direct Damaging - Critical DD AAs on the Shaman AAs Demystified! page for more info.
Damage over Time Only:
The Critical Affliction / Blood Tithe Lines (Necromancer, Shaman) - affects damage over time spells by increasing the chance for a critical impact, calculated per tick. Prerequisite: 6 AAs spent in General. Please see Table 6. Damaging over Time - Critical DoT AAs on the Shaman AAs Demystified! page for more info.
5B - Buffs and Impact
The following Buffs are available to increase the impact of spells:
Need info on Bard buffs to increase spell potency, and any others - ?
5C - Focus Effects and Impact
Many Focus Effects are available to increase the impact of spells; The Level 75 or Level 70 Focus Effects Charts may be useful to you.